Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Looking Forward and Requests!

Due to some grant writing and general "ohmygod, lab work!" moments this past week, I haven't been able to put together a blog post.  I should be able to put up some new material this weekend, though.  Be excited!

In the mean time, I thought I'd let you know about some new posts that I have in the works.

  - Prions (think Mad Cow Disease!)
  - Unlearning fear - can our brains do it?
  - Same protein, two very different structures
  - A failed Australia expedition and the importance of beriberi
  - You say you "work with protein" - where do you get the protein?

I also brought my camera to work to finally do some posts about tissue culture!  I'm going to show you cells and how they grow.  I'm working on that this week!

I've also received some requests for posts about different diseases, including diabetes and sleeping sickness.  Feel free to throw more ideas at me!

My new blog, Dr. Amedeo, is still under construction.  I'm not entirely happy with the material yet.  Once I am, I will be advertising that, as well.

Finally, I'm beginning to add three sections to my Topics called "Subject: EASY," "Subject: INTERMEDIATE," and "Subject: DIFFICULT."  I'm going to rank my posts as easy, intermediate, or difficult so present readers and newcomers can gauge their own levels and pick their reading material accordingly.  Posts will now be grouped by subject in addition to difficulty of the material.

Talk to you soon!


  1. I love your idea to have easy, intermediate, and difficult subjects great way to break it down for the non-scientists out there, like me.

  2. Looking forward to the upcoming posts! Sounds interesting!
