Saturday, December 17, 2011


                It’s the end of the year.  Let’s just have some fun.

                During graduate school, I found Ph.D. Comics to be hilarious and relatable.  If you’ve ever written a thesis or worked on a project with an advisor who seemed like God, you probably can understand the predicament of our heroes here.  

                Unfortunately, July 2010 was over a year ago so I don’t get back there too often.  I caught up on all new comics since February 2011 a few days ago.  I posted a few of the best ones here.

                If you want to read more:

One. Technicians, graduate students, post docs or just lab-hanger ons are required to travel the cheapest way possible to every conference.  Considering conferences are suchabigdeal, we’re traveling a lot without spending any money.  I’ve worked hard to avoid conferences because I don’t like sharing a hotel room with a stranger for six nights.

Two. Truth.  Anything could happen outside and those of us in lab wouldn’t know.  I had friends in graduate school without lab windows so they didn’t even know if it rained!  We had an earthquake here in August and most of the people I worked with thought it was someone moving an especially large piece of lab equipment.  Thank God for Facebook or we’d be completely cut off.

Three. This happens.  Entirely too frequently.

Four. I wrote a pre-application for a grant several months ago.  Some of the stuff I needed money for was already finished.  Science is a game.  Sadly, I lose often at it.

Five. This year, I got married and needed two whole weeks off.  When do you bring that up?  It was unspoken until about a week before I left and that was only because I had a student starting and it became imperative for me to say “Yeah, I’m not going to be here.  Remember?”  Remember?  Like we’d ever had that talk??  Once in graduate school, I actually emailed my boss from Florida saying I wasn’t going to be in that day or the next.  That was kinda low. 

Six. This is true for some disciplines and most definitely true for my own.  Oddly, in my post doc, I’ve found people whose advisors read their theses multiple times and gave them edits.  My god.  That’s so …unfortunate.

Seven. I’m so tired of dressing like a college student.  I’m 31.  I don’t want a red X through my business clothes any more.  If you dress nicely in lab people wonder what’s wrong with you.

1 comment:

  1. I have several friends with Ph.D.s who would send me these comics while they were in school.
    Very funny.
