Monday, December 17, 2012

Long Life Animals

                Well.  I had planned an entirely different post than this one.  Originally, it was going to begin with a transition out of the past two consciousness and near-death experience posts with a story from my own life.  Today, I sat down to find an appropriate paper to summarize the work I found interesting when, to my horror, I found some unsavory allegations against my person of choice.  I had no idea.  So, I decided to place that idea on the backburner and instead revisit a topic that I posted about before but didn’t offer too much information about yet: aging.  Forgive me, this post isn’t typical for me as I don’t usually summarize articles that are rather self-explanatory, but I didn’t have time to do in-depth research!


                The hydra is a small, fresh water animal.  It has the unique distinction of being the only animal on this planet Earth that does not age.  As long as the hydra continues to reproduce asexually (meaning, it blubs off daughter hydra from itself without ever mating), the hydra can – it seems – live forever.  However, if it does choose to mate, then the hydra will die after a short period.

                So, pause.  The hydra can either choose to live forever or age and die.  It has both capabilities.  Isn’t that amazing?  How is it choosing?  

Proteins are the workhorses of our cells; the when, which and where proteins are made are all dictated by our DNA (to really over-simply, but still be truthful).  Therefore, the information that the hydra needs to either live forever or age and die is found within its genome.  While this seems extraordinary, it’s not such a drastic deviation from how our own cells are known to differentiate.  If you look at a brain cell and an intestinal cell, you will find the same DNA.  However, the brain cell and intestinal cell will express different parts of the DNA, thus creating a cell with different specialized properties.  If our genomes are detailed maps of the entire world, then the brain cell is very focused on building Paris while the intestinal cell is much more involved in Australia.  And so, when a hydra decides to mate, then its protein expression profile must change in some fundamental way to switch it from being immortal to mortal.  DNA is amazing.

                The short answer is that we have no idea how the hydra does this yet.  Scientists are trying to learn what genes are important in immortality and what genes are necessary for aging.  More than that, though, they are focusing on more global traits of long-living animals versus shorter lifespan animals and they have found a few key pieces of data.

                To start with, long-living animals typically have great protection for themselves.  Clams can live to be 400 years old while giant tortoises can hang around for ~ 180 years!  Both are free hide away inside their shells.  Bowhead whales live for just over 200 years and are so massive in size that they have few enemies.  

                Another trait scientists have found is that cells from longer living animals are more resistant to stresses, such as poisons (in the shape of cadmium and hydrogen peroxide) and heat.  These stressors should cause cells to either die or become sick while dealing with the situations, but the longevity of the animal correlates with cells being more able to cope. Less die.  Less become sick.  It makes sense, of course, that the cells would be so adaptable since the animal would be around a long time and, by sheer chance, would run into many stresses.  If the cells were weak and died easily, then the animal wouldn’t live as long.  Underpinning the cell stability data is the finding that these cells harbor more stable proteins.  When subjected to heat, something that would normally cause a protein to fall apart, the longer living species have proteins that are more resistant to falling apart, meaning they can still do their job, even in the face of a stressful situation.  

                Finally, Nature seems to work a bit like the hydra.  Within every phylum (Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species or Kings play chess on fine glass surfaces), an array of animals exist that live for short or longer periods of time.  Evolution has made it so life can be short or long depending on the external pressures.  

                The research continues into how other animals age (or not) by studying many species, including hydra.  Scientists are then trying to see if we can use that information to somehow slow aging in humans.  While the hydra is the most interesting case of anti-aging we know about and humans share many genes with hydra that are not found in fruitflies (a commonly studied laboratory animal), we do have to remember that hydras are evolutionarily quite different than us and do not live such active lifestyles.  But still … the possibilities are amazing.  Maybe one day we all will live to be 116 or older!

Original Research Paper 1:  Years of work (8), Years trying to be published (2), Journals that have rejected it (3), Current status: Submitted.  I’m working to make some high resolution tables at the moment (in anticipation of the paper’s acceptance, which I’m trying to pretend might actually happen one day!)

Original Research Paper 2: Years of work (2), Months trying to be published (2), Journals that have rejected it (0), Current status: favorable reviews, trying to do one more experiment to appease a reviewer - SAME

Review Paper 1: Requested by a specific journal, Current status: Accepted with favorable reviews!  I have to make a few small changes, but otherwise it will print in January!


Deweerdt, Sarah. “Looking for a master switch.” Nature (2012) 492, pgs S10 – S11.

A big name in aging among animals, including the hydra: Steven Austad of the Barshop Center for Longevity and Aging Studies, University of Texas Health Science Center.

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